The objects for which the Society is established are:
- To provide for its members living accommodation and livelihood within the area of its operation at a fair and reasonable price together with such ancillary services as roads, drainage, water and light.
- To provide facilities for physical and cultural recreation and all such other matters as are usual, customary and desirous for building estates, blocks of flats or single dwellings.
- To invest members’ contributions and deposits in identified ventures in order to maximize the return on their investments.
- To purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property of any kind of any interest therein any right or privileges which the Management Committee of the Society may think necessary or convenient for the purpose of or connection with the Society’s business or which may enhance the value of any other property of the Society.
- To improve, manage, develop, and turn to account, grant rights or privileges in respect of or otherwise deal with any property, rights and privileges of the Society.
- To invest in shares of other Co-operative Societies and Companies quoted in Nairobi Stock Exchange, Unit Trusts, Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds.
- To invest in other areas where members shall direct at Delegates Meetings from time to time.